Geog 414

Programming for Geospatial Data Science II Portfolio

Learning Progression

My previous programming background was basic Javascript, HTML, CSS and No-SQL Databases like MongoDB. Working through this program has forced me to build on my current knowledge and learn additional javascript libraries (D3 and Leaflet). These projects have been challenging, but I am grateful that it has pushed me out of my comfort zone. Here are some my projects from this quarter (Spring 2022) in Geospatial Datascience II.

  • Name: Jacob Kato
  • Occupation: GIS Professional


Unit 2: Interactive Mapping with Leaflet (Symbol Map)

Unit 2: Interactive Mapping with Leaflet (Chloropleth Map)

Unit 3: Server-Side Web Mapping

Unit 4: Vector Graphics and Data Visualization

Unit 5: Custom Map (Chloropleth Map using D3)